Monday, July 7, 2014

The Mini Missionary Army

Oh man, I can't believe it's only been one week since I've written an email! SO. MUCH. HAS. HAPPENED.

On Tuesday Sister Badham and I had a sweet experience when we went to contact a media referral. Media Referrals get sent to us when someone requests a missionary visit or Book of Mormon etc. on or at a Visitor's Center - the only thing is you never know if this person made the request themselves or if someone they know sent us (either with good intentions or as a prank.) So it's always a gamble! We stopped by this referral named Renae last week and saw her just long enough for her to nervously agree to set up another appointment. Then when we arrived on Tuesday we walked into her house to find a beautiful feast prepared for us! She said she wanted to feed us because in the Bible whenever angels come to visit people, they are always given food and water. Isn't that so sweet? Renae is waaaaaay chill, she's in her 20's and from Jamaica and so so SO prepared for the gospel. She just started her own business and one of her online-coworkers she barely knows is Mormon; her coworker has posted a few religious things on Facebook (like a picture in front of the Temple, a Mormon message, etc) and because of those Renae requested that we come visit her! Moral of the story: you never know who your Facebook is converting!

And then the rest of the week we had a MINI MISSIONARY ARMY! Just kidding, we only had 3. But that's a ton considering I've only had 3 other mini's my whole mission! From Tuesday to Thursday, Natalie Packard (THE MISSION PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER) and Micha Richards (her best friend from California) came to be with us. Sister Badham and I were kind of freaking out when we found out they'd be coming, since we've both been obsessed with Natalie since we've started our missions. And oh my goodness they were both incredible! They're both going to be seniors this next year and it seems like they've been preaching the gospel since they were born. It was really cool to see them be guided by the spirits during the lessons. It was only for a few days, but they were definitely supposed to be here in Foxboro for that time! It was testament of how involved the Lord is in this work, because He used them to work miracles while they were here.

They left on Thursday night, and then on Friday another mini came to spend the weekend with us! Jasmine just barely turned 16 and has only been a member of the Church for 7 months and is the only member in her family! I am so crazily impressed with her testimony and love of the Gospel. She already knows that she definitely wants to serve a mission of her own in a couple years! It was neat because even though she just barely learned all of this stuff herself, her pure and simple testimony was so powerful during our lessons. 

On Saturday we were asked by the Stake Primary President to help at a big stake activity at the Temple. For the past 90 days the Stake has been doing a big family history push in connection with the youth Trek called "Trek to the Temple". Each member of the Stake was supposed to research one family name to take to the Temple so we could create a second Hingham Stake on the other side of the veil. Our job was to help with the Pioneer Themed primary kid activity at the chapel next to the temple. Sister Badham and I's assignment? Square Dancing. We literally square danced with 180 little kids for over 5 hours! It was so fun! And also slightly exhausting. With all the mini's and the dancing, Sister Badham and I are seriously sleep deprived and a little bit loopy. Oh well. We'll sleep when we're home next year.

Now go write a religious Facebook post, okay?
Sister Gledhill

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